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Conversation-starting conversations
on living, dying & living on

with Tamatha & Chelsea

You know what we talk a lot about? Living: better, longer and with purpose.


But, in most of our conversations, we’re missing – or rather, avoiding – a layer of living: dying, which is inevitable for all of us.


Talking about it won’t make it happen sooner (swear!). In fact, it may make it happen better. Why not make a Grand Exit?


Enter “the conversation” with Tamatha Thomas-Haase - who’s living like she’s dying because metastatic breast cancer tells her that the scans, tests and treatments won’t end until her life does - and Chelsea Leader Gold -- who's here to live big and leave a loud legacy.


Leave feeling more alive.


Tune in, wherever you listen to podcasts

Hi from the hosts

Tamatha Thomas-Haase &

Chelsea Leader Gold

Two friends in very different seasons, taking the scenic route through philosophical musings on the life-death-legacy continuum 🌀

Medicine for the Soul
This podcast is profound in ways big and small, deeply moving and at times truly funny in a way which is medicine for the soul...It's more valuable than I can possibly say.



Have a listen 🎧

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